The Rev. Dr. Lloyd Steffen is the University Chaplain. He is an ordained Protestant minister (United Church of Christ), a tenured Professor of Religion Studies who teaches religion and ethics in the Department of Religion Studies, and he is also Director of the Dialogue Center and the Lehigh Prison Project. The Rev. Dr. Steffen oversees all of the religious clubs and events on the Lehigh Campus as well as Packer Chapel Weddings.
Rabbi Steven P. Nathan is the Endowed Director of Jewish Student Life and Associate Chaplain. Rabbi Nathan's office is located in the Jewish Student Center located at 233 W. Packer Avenue.
Imam Tariq Ameer is the New Director of Muslim Student Life and Associate Chaplain. Imam Ameer's office is located in the Center for Dialogue, Ethics and Spirituality at 661 Taylor Street (Between Grace Hall and Taylor Gym)
Jane Hontz is the Coordinator in the Jewish Student Center.
Lynn Spina is the Chaplain's Office Coordinator and Packer Memorial Church Wedding & Events Coordinator.
The Chaplain's Office staff joins the President, Provost, and the Faculty Steering Committee to deplore the recent racial incident on campus and to affirm our commitment to work for a community at Lehigh dedicated to equality and respect for the dignity of all persons. The Chaplain's Office staff are available to any members of the community who wish to speak about incidents and related issues. Conversation will be treated as confidential.
Troubled that anti-Muslim rhetoric has been spreading in the media and that attitudes of hostility toward Islam have been on the increase in the United States, we affirm the right of Muslims to practice their religion freely and without fear or intimidation. We call on all members of our community to join Religious Life at Lehigh in celebrating religious diversity on campus, believing the Lehigh community as a whole benefits when religious expression is allowed to flourish. We actively support this flourishing and are honored to have all religions welcomed and represented here.